Os auto starting connective line power line 起动线电源线
Compressed gas cooler can go to separator via a manual line up for start up purpose 压缩气冷却器在开工时可通过手动线连至分离器。
Movement : may have the best movement of any fastball in the major leagues ? when it ' s right . his best pitch without question 球的动态:可能是全大联盟中任何一种快速球中动线最佳的?当球跑得对的时候。毫无疑问这是他最强的球路。
Both the landscape and architecture components of the court ? the fountains , the ? operate at a local scale to disrupt the continuum of the ground plane , circulation , and views 构成庭园的景观与建筑元素喷泉、植栽、柱廊在局部的尺度上中断了地平面、动线及视线的连续。
All commercial areas are made accessible by a drive - up in the langjiayuan road . situated slightly behind the entrance areas , are escalators and glass lifts for clients 经由郎家园路上的专用车道,可进入商务部。离入口处不远,安排了垂直动线系统,如电扶梯与访客专用的玻璃升降梯等。
The evaluation of single link applies the factors of width of road , parking , debris , the activities beside the road and some indicators composed of them 针对以上考量,本文将避难救灾动线系统的评估,区分为两个层次讨论,首先是依据震灾对路网影响因素的界定,进行个别路段的评估;其次是讨论对整体动线系统评估的方法。
During group meditation that day , the initiates prayed sincerely for success at the event , and a brother received an inner message that the layout of the venue should be changed to facilitate a smoother flow of visitors to the booth 由于同修们在共修时诚心祈求书展能圆满顺利,一位师兄得到内在讯息:会场必须更动配置,动线才能顺畅。
Abstract : this article discusses the new concept of metro space from the design tactics of metro space , the sensibility of space and structure , the multisemantic nature of space and function , the pluralistic nature of space and carrier , and the guidance of space and flownline 摘要:本文从地铁的设计策略、空间与结构的感性、空间与功能的多义性、空间与载体的多元性及空间与动线的引导性等方面探讨地铁空间设计的新概念。
After trials and modifications , through the construction assistant tools ( ward introduction flow chart , admission health education sheet , maps , and facilities instructions ) and propagations , the nurses could promote the environment introduction completion rate to 96 % ( 37 % increment ) 经由问卷及访谈结果了解护理人员执行之困难及家属之需求,建构辅助工具(住院须知卫教单张、平面图、病室内各项设备使用说明单)及设计环境介绍之动线,藉由宣导、试行与再修正后全面推行,其结果显示: (一) .入院环境介绍完整性达96 % ,较执行前提升37 % 。
( 2 ) the liver mdh isozymes of microtus fortis were rather conservation in evolution . the mdhm zones of all voles were located to the same migratory line with the similar activity . the migratory rates of the mdhs zones from all voles were identical but the activity of mdhs of the voles from ningxia was weaker than that of the other voles ( 2 )四类东方田鼠的肝mdh同工酶变异不大, mdhm都在同一泳动线上且酶活性相似,而mdhs虽然泳动速度都一致但宁夏鼠的酶活性较其它三类鼠弱。