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  • alexander litvinenko
  • litvinjenko


  • Perhaps the most spectacular recent example is the murder in london of a former russian agent , alexander litvinenko
  • British home secretary john reid said monday that the team of nine officers will interview witne es who oke to litvinenko before he died
  • British home secretary john reid said monday that the team of nine officers will interview witnesses who spoke to litvinenko before he died
  • Officials say the level is not dangerous but an italian who met with victor litvinenko is now in the hospital for treatment
  • Russian foreign minister sergei lavrov warned monday that continued speculations that moscow was involved in his death may damage relations with britain
  • The litvinenko case dominated the run - up to the summit , after russia refused to accede to britain ' s request to extradite the chief suspect in the case , businessman andrei lugovoi
    英国提出引渡该事件的主要嫌疑人? ?商人安德烈?卢戈沃伊遭俄罗斯拒绝之后,利特维年科事件奏响了这次峰会的序曲。
  • It emerged this week that yegor gaidar , a former prime minister , fell violently ill in dublin on the day after mr litvinenko died ( mr gaidar is now apparently recovering )
    本周,俄罗斯前总理叶戈尔?盖达尔在利特维年科先生死后的第二天,突然在都柏林重病不起(盖达尔先生现在病情明显好转) 。
  • In the wake of the litvinenko poisoning affair , he answers and sometimes evades questions about his ties with the kremlin and why he has quit as governor of a region three times the size of the uk where , by any measure , he has performed an act of extraordinary philanthropy
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