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  • liu ke


  • Artist name : lai , hak suen
  • Male artist lai , hak suen
  • Ke - hsiang liu said , ' lots of underground water is disappearing , where does the water come from
  • According to liu kehzi 76 countries and regions are currently involved in receiving groups of chinese tourists
  • A significant detail according to liu kehzi is that the number of chinese citizens traveling abroad on state business has become less significant every year
  • The material of this study is a new species - cardamine hupingshanesis , found by lin - hang liu and ke - ming liu professors of hunan normal university . its karyotype was analyzed and molecular evolutions of five species , c . hupingshanesis ( hup , about 1300m sea level ) , c . griffithii ( gri , about 1500m sea level ) , c . impatiens ( imp about 600m sea level ) , c . hirsute ( hir , about 200m sea level ) and c . scutata ( scu , about 200m sea level ) were studied . on the basis of moiphological studies , phylogenetic trees were constructed by its sequences and then the phylogenetic relations of hup and four other species were discussed
    本文以湖南师范大学刘林翰、刘克明老师发现的十字花科碎米荠属( cardamine )一新种? ?壶瓶碎米荠( cardaminehupingshanesisl . h . liu , hup ,海拔1300m左右)为实验材料,对其核型作初步分析;并结合该新种同属同组(碎米荠组, sect . cardamine )但生长在海拔不同的四个种? ?大叶山芥碎米荠( cardarminegriffithii , gri ,海拔为1500m左右) 、弹裂碎米荠( cardamineimpatiens , imp ,海拔为600m左右) 、碎米荠( cardaminehirsute , hir ,海拔为200m左右)和圆齿碎米荠( cardaminescutata , scu ,海拔为200m左右)进行了分子系统学研究。
  • Aka bumbling father - in - law put us of the film archive in stitches . he and lau hark - suen play an odd couple , the latter in a gender - bending turn . perhaps only actors of their generation , with opera clown training in their background , can do comedy with such skilled abandon
    看审死官1948 ,百份百肯定周星驰向他隔世偷师看贼王子巧遇情僧又名糊涂外父, 1952 ,笑得全组同事人翻马仰,他和刘克宣分演老夫老妻,后者反串演出,真亏他们抵死若此,大概只有丑生出身的他们那一辈,才可以这么有戏味。
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