正是出于同样的,与许多法国和德国 five came from germany to france; it's the same with the french lot, and the germans
出于 start from; proceed from; stem from; out of 出于本心 from one's heart; 出于本意 of one's own accord; 出于不可告人的目的 actuated by ulterior motives; 出于对同志的关怀 out of concern for one's comrades; 出于故意 do sth. out of spite; 出于同情 out of sympathy; 出于好心 do out of good intentions [a good heart]; 出于好奇 merely out of curiosity; 出于无奈 as it cannot be helped; no other course was open to (sb.).; only because one can do no better; out of sheer necessity; there being no alternative; 出于至诚 out of utmost sincerity; [拉丁语] ex bona fide; 出于无意 be not intentional; act unintentionally; 出于无知 from ignorance; 出于责任感 proceed from a sense of duty; 出于自卫的抗辩 plea of self-defense; 出于自愿 on a voluntary basis; of one's own accord; do sth. of one's will; 爱情生于情感而不是出于理智。 love is born of heart, not mind
同情 sympathy; pity; sympathize; show sympathy for; have a soft place in one's heart 同情某人 feel pity for sb.; 同情他的不幸 sympathize with him in his misfortune; 博得同情 win sympathy; 我很同情你。 i heartily sympathize with you.; i have every sympathy for you. 她同情所有孤独的人。 she has a soft place in her heart for all lonely people.; 同情心 sympathy; fellow feeling; 同情者 sympathizer
Out of sympathy , we will help the handicapped 出于同情,我们会帮助那些残疾人。
I helped her out of love , not out of pity 我帮助她是出于爱,而不是出于同情。
Out of pity she forebore , and he went on 出于同情她容忍了。他说了下去。
Iffor an antidote . or out of pity . i don ' t care 无论是为解药也好.还是出于同情.我不在乎
I only took her out of charity 我只是出于同情才雇佣她
He let us in out of pity 出于同情,他让我们通过了
He sent flowers as a gesture of sympathy to his sister who was in hospital 他给住在医院的妹妹送花是出于同情的表示。
I was monstrously touched - so would you have been - and , out of pure pity , i engaged him on the spot to be ship s cook 我被极大地触动了你也会这样的纯粹是出于同情,我安排他做船上的厨子。
She really did not see anything clearer than before , but she was getting into that frame of mind where , out of sympathy , a woman yields 其实究竟该怎么办,她并不比刚才更清楚。可是现在出于同情,她的心理实已陷入女性屈服和让步的状态。
Room would probably have been made for her at talbothays , if only out of sheer compassion ; but comfortable as her life had been there she could not go back 到泰波塞斯去,要是奶牛场老板仅仅出于同情,大概也不会不给她一个位置从前在那儿的生活虽然舒服,但是她不能回去了。