

音标:[ jūnxīn ]   发音:
  • soldier's morale; morale of the troops



  • 例句与用法
  • Disorganizing army and betraying our country
  • Ifshe can put back the fire in our army -
  • Presumably the markets can manage to hold on until then
  • Some hero units will aid other units ' morale , increasing the chances for victory in battle
  • Inspired by this good omen , the greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the persian fleet at the battle of salamis
  • Rather was it the result of a long molecular process which worked like a ferment within the army , producing a change in its psychology
  • " they have passed bills in the house and the senate that would impose restrictions on our military commanders and mandate a precipitous withdrawal by an arbitrary date .
    “这项草案已在众议两院获得通过,武断的给撤军制定期限,将会动摇军心。 ”
  • Our immense forces , undoubtedly superior to those of napoleon , were concentrated in one place ; the troops were encouraged by the presence of the two emperors , and were eager for battle
  • These persons , while they were ecstatic over the modesty of the tsar in declining the chief command of the army , deplored that excess of modesty , and desired and urged one thing only , that their adored tsar , conquering his excessive diffidence , would openly proclaim that he put himself at the head of the army , would gather the staff of the commander - in - chief about him , and , consulting experienced theorists and practical men where necessary , would himself lead his forces , who would be excited to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by this step
  • The maintenance and promotion of the corporations ’ financial competition is influenced by the problems of the human resource which are came forth after finishing the merger and acquisition dealing . whichever stratagem the conformity of the manpower resource is based on , we all should attach importance to the following three tasks , “ stabilizing ” , “ everyone to his potential ” , “ effective inspiration ”
    并购交易完成后面临的人力资源问题会影响财务竞争力的保持和提升,无论是基于何种并购策略的人力资源整合,都应该重视“稳定军心” 、 “人尽其才” 、 “有效激励”三个方面的工作。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 军心的法语:名 moral de l'armée~大振grande excitation du moral des troupes;l'esprit combatif se trouve rehaussé
  • 军心的日语:(軍隊の)士気. 军心涣散 huànsàn /軍の士気が衰える. 军心大振 dàzhèn /士気が大いにふるう. 动摇军心/士気を動揺させる.
  • 军心的韩语:[명사] 군대의 전투 의지. 군대의 사기. 动摇军心; 사기를 동요시키다
  • 军心的俄语:[jūnxīn] моральный дух армии
  • 军心什么意思:jūnxīn 军队的战斗意志:振奋~ㄧ动摇~。
  • 推荐英语阅读
军心的英文翻译,军心英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译军心,军心的英文意思,軍心的英文军心 meaning in English軍心的英文军心怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
