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音标:[ jūnwù ]  发音:  


  • military affairs; military task


  • Subject to the requirements of the service
  • Axe - - execution of military duty
  • A new region in military informationization ; e - military affairs is vividly portrayed ( 20050311 )
    军队信息化诞生新领域电子军务呼之欲出( 20050311 )
  • A new region in military informationization ; e - military affairs is vividly portrayed ( 20050311 )
    军队信息化诞生新领域电子军务呼之欲出( 20050311 )
  • Was it yesterday , when i sent word to platov to retreat , or the evening before when i had a nap and bade bennigsen give instructions
  • The effort is emblematic of beijing ' s efforts to recast its capabilities for the 21st century as its military and associated defense - aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs
  • Five minutes later the adjutant returned , and with marked courtesy , bowing and ushering prince andrey before him , he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister
  • At the camp at drissa it was proposed to take a stand . but the energy of paulucci , scheming to become a leading general , affected alexander ; and pfuhls whole plan was abandoned , and the scheme of campaign intrusted to barclay
  • A new region in military informationization - - e - military is vividly portrayed . e - military is the computerization of traditional military affairs , whose purpose is to improve the battle effectiveness and efficiency of military system . it is an important goal of informatization construction
    与电子商务和电子政务类似,电子军务就是: “传统军事业务的电子化,旨在提高军事系统的战斗力和效率,是信息化建设的重要目标。 ”
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 军务的泰文
  • 军务的日语:軍務. 军务繁忙 fánmáng /軍務が忙しい.
  • 军务的韩语:[명사] 군무. 군대의 사무. 군사에 관한 사무. 军务繁忙; 군무가 바쁘다 督理军务; 군무를 감독 처리하다
  • 军务的俄语:pinyin:jūnwù военные дела, вопросы армии
  • 军务什么意思:jūnwù 军队的事务;军事任务:~繁忙 ㄧ督理~。
军务的英文翻译,军务英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译军务,军务的英文意思,軍務的英文军务 meaning in English軍務的英文军务怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。