They normally hold between 200 and 300ml and are used for long drinks with ice 其容量在200到300毫升,用于盛放冰长饮。
And has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of elements copied 中复制的元素并且其容量足以容纳所复制的元素数。
Is a special case ; its capacity is the same as its length , which is the same as its count 是一个特例;其容量与其长度相同,而其长度与其计数相同。
Has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of elements copied , and uses the default 中复制的元素,其容量足以容纳所复制的元素数并使用默认的
The dvd disc can mostly be divided into 4 kinds as follows with the format according to its capacity Dvd碟片根据其容量和格式大致可分成如下四种:
The way is to choose a appropriate a / d . weight can indicate battery ' s capacity 由碱锰电池固有特性可知,碱锰电池的重量是其容量的一项重要指标。
Has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of elements copied , and uses the specified 中复制的元素,其容量足以容纳所复制的元素数并使用指定的
On rare occasions , a memory card may not record to full capacity due to its writing speed 在极罕见的情况下,记忆卡可能会因为写入速度的限制而无法用尽其容量来拍摄影像。
We envision the supergrid evolving gradually alongside the current grid , strengthening its capacity and reliability 我们的构想是超级电力网将可和目前的电力网并存,逐步演进,提高其容量和可靠程度。
Even though inflation may recede in the short term , mr king is worried that the british economy is operating at a level that is too close to its capacity 即使通胀可能在短期内回落,金先生担心的是英国经济已经在接近其容量边界运行。