Easy rules : - use the arrow keys or afm to control the snak f 一款popcap公司出品的益智类游戏. .
" no reservations , " a warner bros . release , opens july 27 由华纳兄弟公司出品的不速食客将于7月27日上映。
In order to design the instrument as simple as possible , we select the chip pci9050 为降低整个系统的开发难度,选用了plx公司出品的pci9050作为pci接口芯片。
That ' s because penicillin may have some kind of special name brand from a famous company or it may just be regular old penicillin 因为同一种药会有大公司出品的名牌药和一般牌子的普通药。
If our product has any problem of the quality , we assure of replacing the same substitute or pay back the same price of the product 若顾客对公司出品的产品有任何不满,我们保证为顾客更换原价货品或原银退还。
The good quality 425r silicate cement and 525 silicate cement , which are produced by the use of rotary kiln and up to . . 我公司出品的425r 525普通硅酸盐水泥,系采用国湿法旋窑生产工艺,按国家标准gb175 - 92精心组织生产。
Once that report varieties of eggs to produce more high quality , good reputation . pure taste in suzhou has been the market share leader 公司出品的龙凤报喜红蛋以品种多,档次高,口碑好,口味纯在苏州市场占有量一直稳居第一位。
Even though it was produced by the very american disney and pixar , the animated feature trophy went to " ratatouille " - - you know , the movie about the french rat 即使是非常美国的迪斯尼和皮克斯公司出品的《料理鼠王》拿到了最佳动画? ?你知道,它讲的是法国老鼠。
The core of the hardware is the embedded processer ( s3c44b0x ) , the software plat adopt the c / os - ii ( it is a embedded operation system that have exoteric sound code ) 本系统的硬件核心是三星公司出品的嵌入式处理器s3c44b0x ,软件平台采用了源码开放的嵌入式操作系统c / os - ii 。
The company is also planning to edit out ( 19 ) smoking scenes from classic hanna barbera cartoons including scooby doo , the jetsons and the flintstones 该公司还计划向所有由汉纳巴伯拉动画制作公司出品的经典卡通中的抽烟镜头开刀,包括《大狗斯库比》 、 《杰特森一家》和《石头城乐园》 。