公众 the public安全 safe; secure; safety; securi ...公众安全频带 public safety frequency bands公众安宁 public peace民众安全服务处 civil aid service; civilaidservice; cleanse and disinfect民众安全服务队 civil aid service大众安全无线电服务 public-safety radio service民众安全服务处参事 staff officer civil aid service; staff officer, civil aid service公众防火安全 public fire safety education民众安全服务处总参事陈明钜 chief staff officer mr robert chan ming-kui公众防火安全教育 public fire safety education公众 the public; public 广大公众 public at large; 哄骗公众 cajole [defraud] the public; 向公众呼吁 appeal to the public; 必须由公众来决定。 the public must decide.; 公众辩护人 vakeel; 公众电视 public television; 公众妨害 [法律] public mischief; 公众关系(学) public relations 众安假日酒店 holiday inn xiaoshan hangzhou公众马,公众骑 Public horses are for the public to ride.公众防火及生命安全教育官员资格认证标准 standard for professional qualifications for public fire and life safety educator公众,民众 the public公众;大众 public公众报 cong chung公众的 common; public; solemn公众区 public area; public distance zone公众生 public health公众台 public station公众席 public gallery公众巷 public lane公众用 breast implants public
They are determined to make contributions to public safety 他们决心为公众安全 作出贡献。 Encourage violence or alter peace and public safety 提倡暴力或意图破坏社会安宁及公众安全 Public safety is always the government s foremost and primary consideration公众安全 是政府的首要关注 In this connection , government is providing extra resources as investment in public safety 为此,政府增拨资源,作为对公众安全 的投资。 Public safety and security are pre - requisites for a stable and prosperous society 维持良好的治安和有效保障公众安全 ,是安定繁荣的先决条件。 Police will also implement a one - way flow of pedestrian traffic in order to ensure public safety 警方会实施单向人潮管制安排,以确保公众安全 。 Such owners are not only jeopardizing their own interests , but also putting public safety at risk 这些业主不但损害自身的利益,更危及公众安全 。 149 . public safety and security are pre - requisites for a stable and prosperous society 149 .维持良好的治安和有效保障公众安全 ,是安定繁荣的先决条件。 The aims are to ensure public safety , arrest dilapidation and prevent premature aging of buildings 目的是确保公众安全 ,防止楼宇失修破落及防范楼宇过早老化。 Organization can demonstrate it s commitment to protect employee and all relationships against injury at work ,并向外界宣示企业对于保护员工及公众安全 的承诺。