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  • put a corpse in a coffin; encoffin


  • Molly and mrs fleming making the bed
  • She was by that time laid out . eliza and i went to look at her : georgiana , who had burst out into loud weeping , said she dared not go
  • On the evening of the first seven days after my father s death , my second sister saw a white lotus flower above his coffin . during the third seven days , my younger sister saw colorful fireworks in the sky . the colors were so beautiful that she had never seen anything like it before
  • I am not well versed in religion , but i believe that the good lord will acknowledge that my tears were genuine , my prayers fervent and my charity sincere , and he will have pity on one who died young and beautiful , yet had only me to close her eyes and lay her in her grave
  • He kept himself clean for whole life , as well he was strict with his children . influenced by his father , zhang cultivated a character of thrifty and honesty . zhang was considered as an honest official with a nature of upright on careful study of his life , his students presented money for his funeral and burial because he has little money after his death
  • My younger sister saw master put some very precious jewelry on his stomach . all of our friends and relatives agreed that my father looked young and handsome . it had been 31 hours from my father s death to the time of placing his body in the coffin , and it was also quite hot


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