Pay the membership fee of rmb 500 according to the following information 2通过以下3种方式支付入会费500元
Both entrance fee and annual subscription fee are payable in the first year 入会费及年费须于入会首年缴交。
All payment may be made in cash , cheque or bank transfer 所有入会费之付款可以现金、支票或银行汇票等形式发出。
If you want to join , there ' s an entrance fee of 20 and an annual membership fee of 10 入会须缴入会费20英镑,年费10英镑
Admission fee paid by members when joining the commercial trade council , which is stipulated in the articles 一入会费:会员入会时一次缴纳,其数额于章程中定之。
Iii . to establish the amount and protocol for paying the enrollment fee , annual fee , career fee and member donations 三、议决入会费、常年会费、事业费及会员捐款之数额及方式。
The applicants shall pay the membership fee which is non refundable upon submitting the application 欲申请成为北湖国际高尔夫俱乐部会员之申请人应在递交申请表时,缴付不退还之入会费。
In this scam , members are invited to pay a joining fee and to recruit new members who will also pay a joining fee 在这种骗局中,会员须要先缴付入会费,然后招揽新会员加入并缴付入会费。
Please submit the form and pay hk $ 80 for join fee and hk $ 150 for annual member fee , or hk $ 80 join fee and hk $ 1 , 500 for permanent member fee 请填妥入会表,缴交入会费80元及年费150元,或一次过缴交永久会员会费1500元及入会费80元。
The scheme was found to be targetted at ethnic minorities where they were required to pay $ 2 , 000 non - refundable joining fee for some skincare or health products 该计划是以少数族裔人士为目标,参加者须缴付二千元入会费,但会获得一些护肤品或保健产品。