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  • gustav klimt
  • klimt


  • ( charlotte ) baron johann klimt
  • Charlotte ) baron johann klimt
  • Charlotte baron johann klimt
  • The previous most expensive painting was gustav klimt ' s adele bloch - bauer i , which sold for $ 135 million in 2006
    前世界最贵的画是古斯塔夫?克里姆特画的《阿德勒?布洛赫鲍尔夫人》 ,它于2006年以1 . 35亿美元被出售。
  • The subject ' s family commissioned her famous portrait and owned it , along with the four other klimt paintings disputed in the case
  • But for lovers of klimt , at least one of the disputed paintings ? the oil and gold - encrusted portrait “ adele bloch - bauer i ” ? is priceless
    仅仅对克里姆特爱好者来说,至少争议中的一件名画? - -金底油彩“阿黛尔?布洛赫-鲍尔画像”便价值连城。
  • Klimt was a founder of the vienna secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil , the german and central european version of art nouveau
    克里姆特是维也纳分离派运动的元老,许多人将该派艺术视为“青年风格” ,即德国与中欧的“新艺术运动” 。
  • Etienne , which introduced klimt to the united states in 1959 , calls the 1907 portrait “ literally priceless . ” stylistically similar to klimt ' s world - renowned “ the kiss , ” the painting is replicated on t - shirts , cups and other souvenirs
  • Vienna , austria - it was a seven - year legal struggle with dazzling stakes ? five precious paintings by austrian icon gustav klimt that a california woman says were stolen from her jewish family by the nazis
    奥地利维也纳- - -加利福尼亚一妇女称其犹太家族的五幅奥地利杰出画家古斯塔夫?克里姆特传世之画被纳粹掠夺,以这些炫目画作为标的的法律抗争历时七年之久。
  • Bloch - bauer represented the cream of viennese society ? a jugendstil “ mona lisa ” with her shock of black hair , full lips , strong hands and expressive brown eyes set against klimt ' s gold and gilt framework
克里姆特的英文翻译,克里姆特英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译克里姆特,克里姆特的英文意思,克里姆特的英文克里姆特 meaning in English克里姆特的英文克里姆特怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。