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  • child helping agency
  • "儿童"英文翻译    children
  • "救济"英文翻译    relieve; succour
  • "机关"英文翻译    mechanism; gear
  • "儿童救济署" 英文翻译 :    child support agency
  • "儿童救济国际" 英文翻译 :    cri childrens relief international
  • "英国儿童救济基金会" 英文翻译 :    british save the children fund
  • "救济机构" 英文翻译 :    relief agency
  • "儿童救生衣" 英文翻译 :    lifejacket for children
  • "上级经济机关" 英文翻译 :    economic units at the higher levels
  • "救济儿童定义" 英文翻译 :    definition of remediation of children
  • "保护儿童机关" 英文翻译 :    child protective agency
  • "救济" 英文翻译 :    relieve; succour 紧急救济 emergency relief; 靠救济金生活 go on relief; 救济灾区人民 provide relief to the people in a disaster area; 社会救济事业 social relief facilities; 自他去世后, 他的家属一直靠救济过日子。 his family has been on relief ever since he died.; 救济费 relief fund; 救济金 relief payment; relief fund; welfare money; 救济粮 relief grain; relief food; 救济品 relief; 救济团体 aid society
  • "机关" 英文翻译 :    1.(机械的关键部分) mechanism; gear 启动机关 starting gear2.(用机械控制的) machine-operated 机关布景 machine-operated stage scenery3.(办理事务的部门) office; organ; institution; body 党政机关 the party and government organizations; 公安机关 public security organs; 国家机关 state organs; 领导机关 leading bodies; 上级机关 higher leading bodies; 文化教育机关 cultural and educational institutions; 法院为政府的主要机关之一。 a court is one of the chief organs of government.4.(周密巧妙的计谋) stratagem; scheme; intrigue 识破机关 see through a trick; 机关败露。 one's plot failed.; 机关报 organ; official newspaper; 机关干部 government functionary; office worker; 机关刊物 organ; 机关炮 machine cannon; machine-gun cannon; 机关枪 tata; emmagee; [军事] machine gun
  • "儿童与妇女紧急救济和安置方案" 英文翻译 :    emergency relief and rehabilitation programmes for children and women
  • "经济机构" 英文翻译 :    economic institution
  • "经济机会" 英文翻译 :    economical opportunity
  • "经济机制" 英文翻译 :    economic mechanism
  • "新经济机制" 英文翻译 :    new economic mechanism
  • "国防经济机制" 英文翻译 :    mechanism of national defence economy
  • "经济机会法案" 英文翻译 :    economic opportunity
  • "经济机械钻速" 英文翻译 :    erop
  • "儿童" 英文翻译 :    children 无辜的儿童 an innocent child; 未满5岁儿童免费。 children under five years of age are not charged.; 儿童保健费 health subsidies to children; 儿童保健服务机构 child health services; 儿童保育事业 child care; 儿童背带裤 coogan; 儿童电视剧 children's tv show; 儿童读物 children's books; 儿童短衫 toddlers; 儿童福利 child-welfare; 儿童福利基金会 children's welfare foundation; 儿童歌曲 children's song; 儿童个性问卷 children personality questionaire; 儿童公园 children park; 儿童广播剧 radio play for children; 儿童教养院 protectory; 儿童教育 education for children; 儿童教育学 paeduetics; 儿童节 (international) children's day (june l); 儿童节目 children's programs; 儿童精神病学 child psychiatry; 儿童竞赛帆船 j boat; 儿童缺陷学 defectology; 儿童食品 infant foods; 儿童受虐综合症 battered child syndrome; 儿童烫伤综合征 scalded-child syndrome; 儿童统觉测验 [心] children's apperception test; 儿童图书馆 junior library; 儿童团 the children's corps; 儿童围涎 tier; 儿童卫生 child health; 儿童文学 children's [juvenile] literature; 儿童小手帕 muckinder; 儿童心理 infantile psychology; 儿童行为诊疗所 habit clinic; 儿童牙科学 pedodontics; pedodontia; pediodontia; 儿童医院 children's hospital; 儿童营养 child nutrition; 儿童游戏场 children playgrounds; 儿童语言 child [little; nursery] language; 儿童阅览室 children's reading room; 儿童中心教育 child-centered education
  • "机关(行政)机关" 英文翻译 :    agency action
  • "政府机关, 机关" 英文翻译 :    government agency
  • "政府间经济机构" 英文翻译 :    intergovernmental economic agency
儿童救济机关的英文翻译,儿童救济机关英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译儿童救济机关,儿童救济机关的英文意思,兒童救濟機關的英文儿童救济机关 meaning in English兒童救濟機關的英文儿童救济机关怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。