The girls usually got rough and mannish after they went to herding . 到野外去放牧的姑娘通常都变得粗里粗气,像个男子汉。
Might have been more manly to tell me to my face , though 不过,也许面对着我说更像个男子汉
Take responsibility for what you ' ve done , stu . be a man 对自己所做的事要负责,史杜.要像个男子汉
Jedediah : i don ' t know , just pay ! now stop whining and take it like a man 杰迪戴亚:我不知道,付就是了!不要唉唉叫了,像个男子汉!
But he stuck to it like a man in silence , and at last arrived before the captain , whom he saluted in the handsomest style 但是他像个男子汉般地默默地硬撑了下来,终于来到了船长的面前,用优美的姿势向他行了个礼。
It is not honest , it is not square , it is not manly , to tell lies about one s fellow - creatures the way he has done , and he doesn t know it . 像他那样拿他自己的同胞撒谎是不诚实的不公正的,也不像个男子汉,而他竟然不觉得。 ”