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  • for emergency use
  • "供应"英文翻译    supply; accommdate
  • "急"英文翻译    impatient; anxious
  • "使用"英文翻译    make use of; use; employ; ap ...
  • "应急使用" 英文翻译 :    emergent service
  • "紧急使用" 英文翻译 :    emergency usage; emergency use
  • "应急供应" 英文翻译 :    supply a gap
  • "应急" 英文翻译 :    meet an urgent need; meet an emergency; meet an contingency; emergency; escape; crash 应急之用 meet the need of emergency; 在应急情况下 in case of emergency; 供应急使用 for emergency use; 我们应该对任何应急情况有所准备。 we should be prepared for any contingency. 他已作好了应急的一切准备。 he has made every arrangement to meet any emergency.; 应急按钮 emergency button; intervention button; 应急舱门 emergency hatch; 应急出口 escape hatch; emergency exit; 应急措施 emergency measure; 应急电源 emergency supply; emergency electric power source; 应急计划 crash project; crash program; contingency plan; crash programme; 应急设备 emergency set [equipment]
  • "a-供应" 英文翻译 :    a-supply
  • "供应" 英文翻译 :    supply; accommdate 供应某人食品 supply sb. with food; 敞开供应 can be bought without any restriction; 计划供应 planned supply; 市场供应 supply of commodities; market supplies; 医药品供应 medical supplies; 供应各种日常必备品 offer various daily necessaries; 商品供应充足。 there is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets. 这里肉类供应充足。 there is a good supply of meat here.; 供应船 depot ship; tender; 供应点 supply centre; 供应范围 extent of supply; 供应环节 supply system; 供应基金 common financing fund; 供应舰 tender ship; depot ship; 供应快餐 supply fast-food; 供应困难 making the supply difficult; in poor supply; 供应量 supply level; 供应能力 deliverability; 供应室 supply room; 供应线 supply line; 供应站 supply station; supply depot; 供应中心 support center
  • "使用" 英文翻译 :    make use of; use; employ; apply; appliance; wear 禁止使用 forbid the use of; 使用不当 unwise use of; 介词的正确使用 the correct use of prepositions; 使用火力 employ fire; 使用极便 utmost in convenience; 留待将来使用 for future use; “官吏”这个词在使用时常常带有轻蔑的含义。 the word “placeman” is often used contemptuously.; 使用方法 usage; 使用规则 service regulations; 使用价值 use value; 使用率 rate of utilization; utilization ratio; 使用面积 floorage; usable floor area; 使用年限 service life; 使用期限 lifetime; operating life; 使用权 servitude; right of use; right to use a thing; 使用时间 service time; 使用试验 service test; 使用手册 instruction manual; 使用寿命 operation life; working life; useful life; life time; service life (of machines); 使用税 use tax; 使用说明书 operating [operation] instruction manual; 使用特性 operating characteristic (oc); 使用条件 service conditions; 使用效率 availability factor; 使用状态 user mode
  • "紧急;应急" 英文翻译 :    emergency
  • "应急坝" 英文翻译 :    emergency dam
  • "应急板" 英文翻译 :    blowout panel
  • "应急包" 英文翻译 :    emergency kit
  • "应急泵" 英文翻译 :    emergency pump; emergencypump; expedition pump; jury pump; standby pump; stand-bypump
  • "应急舱" 英文翻译 :    sea cabin
  • "应急池" 英文翻译 :    emergency lagoon
  • "应急处" 英文翻译 :    emergency response branch
  • "应急袋" 英文翻译 :    emergency pack
  • "应急的" 英文翻译 :    contingent adj; emergence; emergent; lash-up; provisional
  • "应急灯" 英文翻译 :    emergecy lamp/light; emergency lamp; emergency light; flare-ulight; panic lamp
  • "应急舵" 英文翻译 :    jury rudder; relieving rudder; temporary rudder
  • "应急阀" 英文翻译 :    dump valve; emergency closing valve; emergency valve
  • "应急帆" 英文翻译 :    jury rig
  • "应急费" 英文翻译 :    contingence; contingency
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