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  • buddha-body. a narrower interpretation is his appearance in human form expressed by
  • buddhakaya


  • Outwardly , he helps to overcome disease and the suffering causes by disease
  • Third , you should always make offerings to the three jewels and the sacred objects of body , speech and mind
  • Seeing , we are the buddha ' s eye . soothing , we are the buddha ' s tongue . embracing , we are the buddha ' s arm . healing , we are the buddha ' s mind
  • In the middle is dharmakaya , indicating the innate cause of attaining buddhahood and it is the embodiment of truth and law . it is also called vairocana buddha
    正中者为“法身佛” (又称法佛) 。指先天就具有成就佛身的“因” ,显法成身,名为法身,称为毗卢遮那佛。
  • If all other common problems of reflectors such as thermal inequilibrium , spherical aberration and coma are eliminated , this ideal reflector should perform just as good as an ideal refractor
  • Some halls of mahavira enshrine the buddha of three bodies , or called three buddhas , i . e . dharmakaya ( absolute body ) , sambhogakaya ( body of bliss ) , and nirmanakaya ( body capable of transformation )
    三身佛有少数大雄宝殿供奉三身佛。亦称“三佛” 。指释迦牟尼的三种佛身:法身、报身、应身。
  • Lama tsongkhapa is renowned to have performed 1 . 8 million mandala offerings in a close retreat to gained a clearer understanding of the most profound buddhist teachings of madhyamika and guhyasamaja . upon completion of retreat , he gained the insight and a vision of maitreya
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