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  • companion cell


  • Unlike the companion cells of angiosperms , they are not derived from the same mother cell as the sieve cell
  • The morphological , physiological , biochemical and genetic diversities between bacillus thuringiensis wild - type strain ybt - 1463 and its plasmid - free mutant bmb171 was comparatively studied . it showed that the plasmid - free mutant strain bmb171 lost the ability to form the parasporal crystal , but there was on obvious diversities were observed on the sensitivity to 10 antibiotics , the utilization of 19 carbon sources and 12 nitrogen sources , as well as the growth properties between ybt - 1463 and bmb171 , whereas the electro - transformation frequencies of bmb171 were much higher than those of ybt - 1463 , respectively with 5 exogenous plasmids as the donor dnas
    对出发菌株ybt - 1463和其无质粒突变株bmb171的部分形态、生理生化和遗传学特性进行的比较研究的结果表明,突变株bmb171不形成伴胞晶体,但在个体形态与菌落特征、对红霉素等10种抗生素的敏感性、对葡萄糖等19种碳源和谷氨酸等12种氮源的利用能力及生长性能与出发菌株ybt - 1463无明显差异。
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