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  • burstein


  • Mr halberstam understood what it meant for america
  • Mr halberstam understood what it meant for america
  • It ' s kadosh . the hava alberstein concert was postponed to 9 : 30
  • David halberstam , a pulitzer prize - winning journalist and tireless author of books , was killed yesterday in a car crash south of san francisco
  • Mr halberstam believes that macarthur , backed by republican politicians , challenged the constitutional arrangements for civil supremacy that abraham lincoln had affirmed during the civil war
  • Although the small town of idar - oberstein is still known for the finest agate carving in the world , it now imports a huge range of other gem materials from around the world , which are then cut and carved in germany and asia
  • If there had been no bolt , it would have been impossible for him to pass through the midst of the garrison who held the catacombs of st . sebastian , encamped round a master whom our readers must have recognized as the famous luigi vampa
  • The chinese had no aircraft ( stalin , sensibly enough , had broken his promise to provide them ) , only such heavy artillery as the retreating americans abandoned to them and no portable radios to co - ordinate their infantry
    据哈伯斯坦称,当时中国军队根本没有战机(斯大林显然没有遵守他提供(战机)的承诺) ,有的只是一些美军撤退时丢弃的重型大炮,他们甚至连可移动式无线电都没有,无法和步兵协调作战。
  • The chinese had no aircraft ( stalin , sensibly enough , had broken his promise to provide them ) , only such heavy artillery as the retreating americans abandoned to them and no portable radios to co - ordinate their infantry
    据哈伯斯坦称,当时中国军队根本没有战机(斯大林显然有足够的战机,他违反约定向中国提供了一些战机) ,有的只是一些美军撤退时丢弃的重型大炮,他们甚至连可移动式无线电都没有,无法和步兵协调作战。
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