感情 1.(对外界刺激的心理反映) emotion; feeling; sentiment 感情冲动 act on a momentary impulse; be carried away by one's emotions; emotional impulse; instinct; acracholia; 动感情 be carried away by one's emotions; get worked up; 伤感情 hurt sb.'s feelings; 感情不能代替政策。 emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy. 他在一出戏剧里充分地表现了这种感情。 he has illustrated this sentiment thoroughly in a drama.2.(关切、喜爱之情) affection; attachment; love 他对妻子的感情转移了。 his affections were turned from his wife.; 感情迸发[浮现] catathymia; 感情迟钝 blunting of affect; 感情敏感 affectivity; 感情洋溢 an exuberance of feeling
Stalin agreed that this was undoubtedly a sore subject . 斯大林也认为,这无疑是一个容易伤感情的问题。
He was a genuine man, with that sudden sadness that all russians have . 他是个真诚的人,带着一切俄国人都有的,来去突然的凄伤感情。
It's a very emotional thing for people who have been working in the same plant for twenty or thirty years . 这对于在同一个厂子里工作了二三十年的人来说是很伤感情的事。
No feelings were hurt though the criticism was sharp 批评虽然尖锐,却未伤感情。
It is to talk about money previously pained , now is not to talk pained 以前是谈钱伤感情,现在是不谈伤感情。
No joking around - that hurts 不要开玩笑伤感情
Love life : you may have quarrels with your lover , but fortunately your relationship won ' t be hurt 感情运:容易与爱人发生争吵,所幸都不伤感情。
Oh no . my family supports me . and believe me , changing foreign money into dollars is heart breaking . you seem to get so little in return 喔,不是。我靠我家里。说真的,用外币换美元真是件伤感情的事,一换就没多少钱了。
A : oh no . my family supports me . and believe me , changing foreign money into dollars is heart breaking . you seem to get so little in return 喔,不是。我靠我家里。说真的,用外币换美元真是件伤感情的事,一换就没多少钱了。
Besides , congress got off to a bad start when members shot themselves in the wallets during the payraise fiasco that led to no more money but lots of had feelings 此外,国会一开始就搞糟了。议员们犯了愚不可及的错误通过为自己加薪。结果惨改。不但未能加薪,而且大伤感情。
伤感情的法语:refroidir l'amitié;blesser les bons sentiment