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  • lu dai


  • Morning paris to explore the chateau built by louis xiv . truly the worlds grandest palace , versailles has served as home of the french royalty and was the capital of france for over a century
  • Pamspan5000 came with multi - pair bonded ; higher packet transport allow symmetric data rates up to 5 . 69 mbps , 11 . 38mbps , or 22 . 76mbps over 2 - wire , 4 - wire , or 8 - wire of ordinary telephone lines respectively at the same reach range
    是一款g . shdsl二代路由。在对称传输时,有着更大的可伸缩性pamspan5000有3种机型,
  • These character based on sichuan power network ' s practice operation experience , in allusion to the config of the carrier wave protection in bypass breaker operating , through the study of protection ' s typical config : one side lfp - 902a , one side csl - 101a , proceeded comprehensive act module test , noted plenty of first hand test data and wave picture , proceeded detailed theory analyses , plenitude demonstration atresic type carrier wave distance protection when twain side atresic type logic is not completely same , basically can fill power network ' s requirement to relay of reliability selectivity speedly and sensitively
    本文结合四川电网的实际运行经验,针对旁路开关代路运行时的保护配置情况,通过对旁路代路时保护典型配对组合:一侧lfp - 902a ,一侧csl - 101a的保护配置情况的深入研究,做了全面的动模试验,记录了大量的第一手试验数据和波形,进行了详细的原理分析,充分验证了高频闭锁式距离零序保护在两侧闭锁式逻辑不尽一致的情况下,基本能够满足电网对继电保护的可靠性、选择性、快速性以及灵敏性的要求。
  • The research on bypass carrier wave protection not only possess his theory value - studied protector ' high frequency signal as well as and dispatch signal logic , penetrate into learn protector ' occlusion type carrier wave protection logic about , but also has important signality in fact ? rovide practice system operation scheme with theory and test evidence
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