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  • populationinvestment
  • "人口"英文翻译    population
  • "投资"英文翻译    put money in; invest
  • "出口投资" 英文翻译 :    export financing; export investment
  • "进口投资" 英文翻译 :    inward investment
  • "进口投资;外来投资" 英文翻译 :    inward investment
  • "开口投资公司,开放型投资公司" 英文翻译 :    open-end investment company
  • "窗口投交" 英文翻译 :    delivery at the counter
  • "进口投入" 英文翻译 :    import input
  • "人口" 英文翻译 :    1.(居住某地人的总数) population 人口稀少 have a sparse population; 标准人口 standard population; 常住人口 resident population; 城市人口 urban population; 待业人口 population waiting for employment; 非农业人口 non-agricultural population; 流动人口 transient population; 流动过剩人口 floating overpopulation; 盲流人口 aimlessly drifting population; 农业人口 agricultural population; 适度人口 optimum population; 现住人口 de facto population; 乡村人口 rural population; 在业人口 working population; 中国是世界人口最多的国家, 有11亿, 约占世界总人口的四分之一。 china is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion, which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.2.(一户人家的人数) number of people in a family 他家人口不多。 there aren't many people in his family.; 人口爆炸 population explosion; 人口变动 change of population; 人口不足 underpopulation; 人口出生率 human fertility; 人口登记 registration of population; 人口地理 population geography; 人口地区构成 region structure of population; 人口地图 population map; 人口调查 census; 人口调查资料 census data; 人口动力学 dynamics; 人口发展速度 rate of population growth; 人口分布 population distribution; 人口分析 population analysis; (城乡广播电视) 人口覆盖率 bring (the radio and tv programs) to a wider audience; 人口负增长 npg; negative population growth; 人口更替 population replacement; 人口更新 regeneration of population; 人口构成 population composition; 人口估算 population [demographic] estimation; 人口规划 program for planning population growth; 人口规律 law of population; 人口过密 overpopulation; 人口过剩 surplus population; overpopulation; 人口科学 population science; 人口基数 population base; 人口计划 population plan; 人口计量学 demometrics; 人口减少 population decline; population decrease; 人口阶级构成 class structure of population; 人口结构 population structure; 人口控制 population control; 人口老化 ageing of the population; 人口理论 demographic theory; 人口零点增长 zpg; zero population growth; 人口论 reactionary essay on population; 人口密度 population density; 人口民族构成 nationality structure of population; 人口年龄构成 age structure of population; 人口年轻化 rejuvenation of population; 人口普查 population census; census; 人口迁出 emigrations; 人口迁入 immigration; 人口迁移 population migration; 人口清查 head count; 人口群 population group; 人口生育力 human fecundity; 人口死亡率 human mortality; 人口属性 ascribed characteristics of population; 人口素质 population quality; 人口特性 characteristics of the population; 人口统计 vital statistics; population statistics; 人口统计图 demogram; census map; 人口统计学 demography; 人口图 population map; 人口文化构成 culturel structure of population; 人口性别构成 sex structure of population; 人口研究 demographic research; 人口预测 population forecast; 人口移动 population moving; 人口移动图 migration map; 人口再生产 reproduce the population; 人口增加率 rate of population increased; 人口增长 population growth; 人口增长速度 rate of population increase; 人口增殖 propagation of population; 人口政策 population policy; 人口职业构成 occupation structure of population; 人口质量 population quality; 人口自然变动 natural variaiton of population; 人口自然增长率 natural population growth rate; 人口总数 population size
  • "进口投入系数矩阵" 英文翻译 :    matrix of imported input coefficient
  • "投资" 英文翻译 :    1.(投放资金) invest 投资于工业 invest in industrial enterprises2.(投入的资金) investment; money invested 基本建设投资 investment in capital construction; 削减投资 cut back investment; 非生产性投资 investment in nonproductive project; 国家投资 state investment; 收回本厂投资 recoup the plant's capital outlay; 投资包干 investment lump-sum contracting; 投资保证 investment guarantee; 投资边际效率 marginal efficiency of investment; 投资场所 outlet for investment; 投资成本 capitalized cost; 投资额 amount of capital invested; 投资方案 investment priorities; 投资方向 investment along proper lines; investment orientation; methods of investments; 投资费 investment cost; 投资公司 investment company; 投资股份 capital investment shares; 投资管理 management of investment; 投资规模 scale of investment; 投资环境 investment environment; investment climate; 投资回收 returns on investment; recoup the sum invested; 投资回收率 rate of return on investment (投资利润率); 投资基金 investment funds; 投资机会 investment opportunity; 投资计划 investment plan; 投资价值 investment value; value of each contribution; 投资净额 net investment; 投资净收益 net investment income; 投资决策 investment decision; 投资率 rate of investment; 投资气候 investment climate; 投资洽谈会 investment symposium; 投资市场 investment market; 投资收益 income from investment; income on investment; 投资收益率 return on investment; 投资税收减让 tax incentives for; 投资限额 size of investment; 投资效益 returns on investment; investment result; benefit of investment; investment returns; 投资信贷 investment credit; 投资信托公司 investment trust; investment company; 投资信用 investment credit; 投资银行 investment bank; 投资银行业 investment banking; 投资债券 investment bond; 投资者 investor; 投资中心 investment center; 投资资本 invested capital; venture capital; 投资总规模 volume of total investment; 投资总量 aggregate investment
  • "出口投标防止风险期权" 英文翻译 :    export tender risk avoidance
  • "按人口" 英文翻译 :    per capita; per head
  • "澳人口" 英文翻译 :    demographics of macau
  • "人口, 工数" 英文翻译 :    man day
  • "人口,群体" 英文翻译 :    population
  • "人口,种群" 英文翻译 :    population
  • "人口版" 英文翻译 :    demographic editions
  • "人口比" 英文翻译 :    more than fourteen times as many people
  • "人口处" 英文翻译 :    population division
  • "人口的" 英文翻译 :    demographic
  • "人口多" 英文翻译 :    overpopulation
  • "人口论" 英文翻译 :    an essay on the principle of population; malthusianism; malthusism
  • "人口群" 英文翻译 :    population group
  • "人口税" 英文翻译 :    capitation; poll tax
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