They always remain flying in the air . you can read the books of madame alexandra david - neel about this 你们可以看看亚历珊卓大卫尼尔女士所写的书,这些事都是真的。
She herself , madam alexandra , made a monk , just to try it through that method . so she made one . but afterwards , he got out of control 那位亚历珊卓女士为了试验看看,也用这种方法成功地造出一个和尚,看起来和真的和尚一模一样,不过后来却没办法控制。
For example , at 3rd level , alexandra the nomad has 8 power points ( 4 bonus power points for her 18 dexterity - - - key to psychoportation - - - plus the 4 power points granted to a 3rd - level psion ) 举个例子,灵旅者亚历珊卓在3级时有8点灵能点( 4点额外灵能点来自18的敏捷值? ?心灵传送系的关键属性? ?加上3级心灵术士应有的4点灵能点) 。