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  • futamatsu
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  • ninomatsu


  • Study on water resources in seconde songhuajiang river basin controlled by artificial groundwater storage
  • On space , from fengman bank in the south and the tributary of second songhua river - wende river valley , to city in the north , total nitrogen in the groundwater is increasing gradually ; and in the east and west , the dividing line is second songhua river which breakthroughs the city , to its east , taking the mangniu river valley with the centre zone , total nitrogen in the groundwater decreasing from the east to the west ; to its west , it decreases gradually from jiuzhan industrial area to gudianzi irrigation area
  • At the support of superiorities about resources , position , establishment and person with ability , the core of developing mode is theme urban tourism , but ice tourism , eco - tourism , culture tourism , industry tourism , science and technology tourism and shopping tourism are its emphasis . moreover , liao and jing culture of nongan county , natural view of shuangyang , sightseeing and spending holiday of the second songhua river are the supplement of the theme urban tourism . jilin province and three northeast provinces are the objects of competition and combination during the changchun urban tourism


  • 二松什么意思:福建 松溪县 的别称。    ▶ 五代 南唐 置 松源县 , 宋 改 松溪县 , 故称。    ▶ 宋 王十朋 《张器先和诗复用前韵》: “ 二松 岂是淹贤地, 凫鹜文书谩抱携。”
二松的英文翻译,二松英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译二松,二松的英文意思,二松的英文二松 meaning in English二松的英文二松怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。