根据党纪国法予以惩罚 be punished according to party discipline and state laws
爱你所以惩罚你” god says to man i heal you therefore i hurt love you therefore punish
予以 give; grant 予以便利 offer convenience to sb.; 予以表扬 commend sb.; give praise to; 予以解释 throw some light on
惩罚 punish; penalize; punishment 惩罚措施 punitive measures; 惩罚性的损害赔偿费 punitive damages; 惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction; 受到一次严厉的惩罚 pay a severe penalty; 给予惩罚 punish sb.; mete out punishment to sb.; inflict punishment on sb.; 不受惩罚 with impunity; 他将受到应有的惩罚。 he will be punished according to his deserts.; 惩罚法 penalty method; 惩罚税率 penalty rate
不惩罚 field but an experienced peasant from the crowd did not let him off
Confiscation of smuggled property is part of the penalty for certain offences . 没收走私财产是对某些犯罪予以惩罚的一部分。
Knows when to reward and when to punish 懂得什么时候应给以奖励,什么时候应予以惩罚
When to reward and when to punish . now , my leniency is a legend , right 什么时候应给以奖励,什么时候应予以惩罚现在,我的宽恕可成为美谈,不是吗
How could such a proud gentleman be so much in the power of one of his servants that he could not even punish her for trying to kill him 一个那么骄傲的绅士怎么能这样被自己的仆人左右,那人即使要杀他也不能予以惩罚呢?
Instead , he has issued a series of appeals for better behaviour by accountants , coupled with some stern warnings that he will punish any wrongdoing 但麦克唐纳先生只是多次发出呼吁,要求会计师们改善行为,外加一些严厉警告,说他将对所有不当行为予以惩罚。
During the campaign , the ministries will investigate internet cafes to punish those who illegally download films and games , and spread them among the public , the statement said 声明还称,几个部门将对网吧展开调查并对非法下载软件和游戏并传播的人予以惩罚
Criminal judicial power is such a power that is backed by state force and is an expression of state punitive power , that safeguards state order and interests by punishing criminal offences 刑法司法权是这样一种权力,它以国家的强制力为后盾,体现国家的刑罚权,对行为人的犯罪行为予以惩罚,以此维护国家秩序和利益。
8 . 1 as public safety is at stake , we propose that failure to produce inspection reports and detailed investigation reports where appropriate and failure to complete the rectification works as specified by the inspectors within a prescribed timeframe should be liable to penalty 8 . 1由于楼宇维修关乎公众安全,我们建议假如业主未能出示检验报告及详细勘察报告如适用,或未能在指定期限内完成检验人员所指明的修葺工程,均需予以惩罚。