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  • george orwell


  • Lister said people should follow the 1946 advice of writer george orwell : " never use a metaphor , simile , or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print .
    李斯特说人们最好遵循作家乔治奥威尔1946年提出的建议: “不要使用那些在各种出版物上频繁出现的暗喻明喻或其他修辞格。 ”
  • Coming in at number two on the list is big brother of george orwell s 1984 , followed by king arthur , who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
  • Coming in at number two on the list is big brother of george orwell ' s 1984 , followed by king arthur , who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
  • And topping a list of " the 101 most influential people who never lived " in a book released on tuesday is the who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
  • Of george orwell ' s 1984 , followed by who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four . " santa claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
  • Of george orwell ' s 1984 , followed by who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four . " santa claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him businesses would
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
  • Coming in at number two on the list is big brother of george orwell ' s 1984 , followed by king arthur , who the authors say embodies for many the ideal monarch , and santa claus comes in at number four . " santa claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him businesses would
    排名第二的是乔治奥威尔的小说1984中的主人公“老大哥” ,其次是亚瑟王,这本书的作者说他是很多人心中理想君主的化身位居第四的是圣诞老人。
乔治奥威尔的英文翻译,乔治奥威尔英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译乔治奥威尔,乔治奥威尔的英文意思,喬治奧威爾的英文乔治奥威尔 meaning in English喬治奧威爾的英文乔治奥威尔怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。