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  • Shanghai qiaofan decorative material co . , ltd
    上海乔凡装饰材料有限公司44 45
  • The singer made his debut as mozart ' s don giovanni
  • You have told your coachman to leave the city by the porta del popolo , to drive round the walls , and re - enter by the porta san giovanni ?
    您告诉车夫从波波罗门出城,绕城一周,再从圣乔凡尼门进城? ”
  • Giovanni ' s son ferdinando galli bibiena ( 1657 1743 ) studied painting and architecture and worked for the duke of parma
    乔凡尼的儿子费尔迪南多?加利?比比恩纳( 1657 1743 ) ,研究绘画与建筑,为帕尔玛公爵工作。
  • The family took its final name from the birthplace of its progenitor , the artist giovanni maria galli ( 1625 1665 )
    他们的祖先是出生在比比恩纳的艺术家乔凡尼?玛丽亚?加利( 1625 1665 ) ,其出生地名就成了该家族的姓。
  • " well , what has this bandit to do with the order i have given the coachman to leave the city by the porta del popolo , and to re - enter by the porta san giovanni ?
    “哦,这个强盗同我吩咐车夫从波波罗门出城再从圣乔凡尼门入城又是什么关系呢? ”
  • When claudio meets giovanna , who works in a bar and dreams of going back to school , he ends up in neglecting his work for stefano who needs his help to win an important race and pay back a huge debt
    可是当他结识了一位在酒吧工作而仍梦想回学校继续进修之少女乔凡娜( giovanna )后,最终疏远了斯坦芬诺,但斯需要他的帮助,去赢取一项重要赛赏。
  • He was to leave the city by the porta del popolo , skirt the outer wall , and re - enter by the porta san giovanni ; thus they would behold the colosseum without finding their impressions dulled by first looking on the capitol , the forum , the arch of septimus severus , the temple of antoninus and faustina , and the via sacra
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