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  • And after her he took maacah , the daughter of absalom ; and she had abijah and attai and ziza and shelomith by him
    后来又娶押沙龙的女儿玛迦(十三章二节作乌列的女儿米该雅) ,从她生了亚比雅,亚太,细撒,示罗密。
  • He was king in jerusalem for three years ; his mother ' s name was maacah , the daughter of uriel of gibeah . and there was war between abijah and jeroboam
  • He reigned three years in jerusalem . his mother ' s name also was michaiah the daughter of uriel of gibeah . and there was war between abijah and jeroboam
    2在耶路撒冷作王三年。他母亲名叫米该亚(又作玛迦) ,是基比亚人乌列的女儿。亚比雅常与耶罗波安争战。
  • He was king in jerusalem for three years ; his mother ' s name was maacah , the daughter of uriel of gibeah . and there was war between abijah and jeroboam
    在耶路撒冷作王三年。他母亲名叫米该亚(米该亚又作玛迦) ,是基比亚人乌列的女儿。亚比雅常与耶罗波安争战。
  • He reigned three years in jerusalem . his mother ' s name also was michaiah the daughter of uriel of gibeah . and there was war between abijah and jeroboam
    代下13 : 2在耶路撒冷作王三年他母亲名叫米该亚、米该亚又作玛迦是基比亚人乌列的女儿。亚比雅常与耶罗波安争战。
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