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  • dominant culture
  • overculture
  • "主导"英文翻译    leading; dominant; guiding
  • "文化"英文翻译    civilization; culture
  • "主导文件" 英文翻译 :    master document
  • "主导" 英文翻译 :    1.(主要的并引导事物向某方面发展的) leading; dominant; guiding 起主导作用 play a leading role; 国民经济的主导地位 the leading position of the state economy; 全民所有制经济是我国社会主义经济的主导力量。 enterprises owned by the whole people constitute the leading force in china's socialist economy.2.(起主导作用的事物) leading factor 以农业为基础, 以工业为主导 take agriculture as the base, industry as the leading factor; 主导词 main word; pivotal word; 主导力 prime move; 主导力量 leading force; 主导思想 dominant ideas; guiding ideology; 主导文化 overculture; 主导主题 [音乐] leitmotiv
  • "以男性为主导的文化氛围" 英文翻译 :    male-oriented culture
  • "引导文件" 英文翻译 :    boot files
  • "指导文件" 英文翻译 :    policy paper
  • "操作指导文件" 英文翻译 :    operating instruction document
  • "辅衷报导文章" 英文翻译 :    dope story
  • "软件指导文本" 英文翻译 :    teachtext
  • "主导词" 英文翻译 :    pivotal word
  • "主导弹" 英文翻译 :    main missile
  • "主导的" 英文翻译 :    chill out; dominant; house; leading
  • "主导管" 英文翻译 :    main manifold
  • "主导库" 英文翻译 :    dominant sink
  • "主导力" 英文翻译 :    prime move
  • "主导权" 英文翻译 :    culture hegemony
  • "主导数" 英文翻译 :    dominant derivative
  • "主导体" 英文翻译 :    prime conductor
  • "主导线" 英文翻译 :    main traverse line; primary traverse
  • "主导象" 英文翻译 :    leading images
  • "主导演" 英文翻译 :    floor manager
  • "主导者" 英文翻译 :    dominant player
  • "主导轴" 英文翻译 :    capstan shaft; drive capstan
  • "文化" 英文翻译 :    1.(精神财富) civilization; culture 反文化 counterculture; 非物质文化 nonmaterial culture; 物质文化 material culture; 希腊文化 greek culture; 亚文化 subculture; 中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。 the chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.2.(知识) education; culture; schooling; literacy 学文化 acquire an elementary education; acquire literacy; learn to read and write; 文化修养很高的人 a man of considerable culture; 在亚洲其他地区的广泛经历帮助他克服了文化障碍。 his extensive experience in other parts of asia helped him to overcome cultural barriers.; 文化参赞 cultural counsellor [attache]; 文化层 cultural layer; 文化城市 cultural city; 文化断层 fraction in culture; 文化反思 cultural self-examination; cultural retrospection; 文化复兴 cultural renaissance; 文化工作 cultural work; 文化宫 cultural palace; 文化沟 culture gap; 文化馆 cultural centre; 文化交流 cultural exchange [interchange]; 文化街 cultural street; 文化界 cultural circles; 文化景观 cultural landscape; 文化局限 culture bound; 文化决定论 cultural determinism; 文化垃圾 cultural rubbish; 文化类型 cultural type; 文化立法 cultural legislation; 文化模式 cultural pattern; 文化偏见 bias of culture; cultural bias; 文化期 cultural age; 文化气质 cultural ethos; 文化潜力 cultural potential; 文化侵略 cultural aggression; 文化区 cultural region; 文化圈 cultural circle; 文化热 cultural craze; 文化人 cultural worker; intellectual; 文化渗透 cultural infiltration; 文化生活 cultural life; intellectual life; 文化史 history of culture; 文化事业 cultural undertakings; 文化水平 cultural [educational] level; 文化水准 cultural level; 文化书社 cultural bookstore; 文化污染 cultural pollution; 文化新纪元论 culture epoch theory; 文化虚无主义 cultural nihilism; 文化学 science of culture; 文化娱乐设施 cultural and recreational facilities; 文化娱乐税 entertainment tax; 文化市场 the cultural market; 文化体系 cultural system; 文化协定 cultural agreement; 文化演变 cultural transmutation; 文化摇篮 cradle of culture; 文化遗产 cultural heritage; 文化遗址 a site of ancient cultural remains; 文化夜生活 cultural night life; 文化用品 stationery commodity; 文化阵地 cultural front; 文化制约作用 cultural conditioning; 文化中心 cultural centre; 文化专制主义 cultural autocracy [tyranny]; 文化自治 cultural autonomy


  • The leading cultural character of henan writers
  • The structure analyses on leading culture of chinese tv plays in the 90s
  • Simple analysis of constructing and clearing up of counterculture to leading culture
  • He compared language to a city . then i modify the metaphor to call it " a city of american slang . " so the next three chapters are my three tours through the city and its suburbs of american slang
  • Since primal magic is the main cultural morphology in chinese ancient culture , it is a most feasible and effective academic way to study the cultural root and how primal aesthetic consciousness originates through a way of cultural - anthropological viewpoint and method on magic
主导文化的英文翻译,主导文化英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译主导文化,主导文化的英文意思,主導文化的英文主导文化 meaning in English主導文化的英文主导文化怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。