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  • interrupt process


  • Starts , stops , or interrupts a process
  • How to : break a process
  • Window , right - click the name of the process you want to detach , and on the shortcut menu , click break process
    在“进程”窗口中右击要分离的进程的名称,并在快捷菜单上单击“中断进程” 。
  • Describes how to use the processes window to break the execution of a process , continue the execution of a process after a break , detach from the process , or terminate a process
  • Note : appman v1 . 04 software process management software , as the old classics . s60 is equipped with the necessary software , the system can detect the current process , system information , interrupted the process for those who stubbornly difficult to withdraw from the process is a good tool , information access applications , system functions such as cleaning up litter , i had a version of this optimization reduces the memory occupied only qd testing , no other models tested , issued as a beta version of the test to everyone
    进程管理appman v1 . 04作为老牌经典软体,是s60系统的必装软体,可以查看当前系统进程系统信息中断进程对那些顽固的很难退出的程序是一个好的工具查看应用程序信息清理系统垃圾等功能,本版本由我进行了优化,减小了内存占用只在qd上测试通过,其它型号没有进行测试,所以版本号作为一个beta版本提供给大家测试。
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