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音标:[ zhōngxìngyán ]  发音:  


  • intermediate rock
  • intermediaterock
  • medium rock
  • mesite
  • neutral rock


  • A ree partition simulation suggests that the tianzhushan intermediate rocks can be generated by partial melting , in coupling with fractional crystallization , of dioritic gneiss which is similar in chemical compositions to the mafic rocks in the lower crust in north dabie ; partial melting of intermediate grey gneiss which is similar in chemical compositions to the middle crust in north dabie can generate the tianzhushan felsic rocks
  • Ree partition simulation suggests that the tianzhushan intermediate rocks can be generated by partial melting , in coupling with fractional crystallization , of dioritic gneiss which is similar in chemical compositions to the mafic rocks in the lower crust in north dabie ; partial melting of intermediate grey gneiss which is similar in chemical compositions to the middle crust in north dabie can generate the tianzhushan felsic rocks


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