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  • col china on line


  • A large index of online china news
  • And then the author discusses the characteristics of american and chinese on line databases and their developing situations , and introduces such large datasets as dialog , stn , ebscohost and oclc firstsearch in this part , the author also takes medline as an example
    论文分析了网络数据库的特点及美国、中国在线数据库发展状况,并对在世界上影响较大的一些数据库如dialog 、 stn 、 ebscohost 、 oclcfirstsearch列表分析,对著名的医学数据库medline实例介绍。
  • Mr bao is also an active investor and has sponsored a number of successful start - ups , including linktone / intrinsic , a us - listed leading wireless value - added services provider , vimicro international , first chinese fables ic design company listed on nasdaq , oak pacific , the largest online interactive entertainment and media company in china and r2g , a pioneer in online music publishing in china
    包先生作为投资者也非常活跃,投资了一系列成功的创业企业,包括在美国上市的无线增值服务提供商掌上灵通/英斯克技术有限公司,第一家在纳斯达克上市的中国多媒体芯片设计制造商中星微电子,中国最大的在线娱乐互动和媒体公司千橡互动,中国在线音乐批发商r2g 。
中国在线的英文翻译,中国在线英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译中国在线,中国在线的英文意思,中國在線的英文中国在线 meaning in English中國在線的英文中国在线怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。