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  • shoulder width apart


  • 32 let your feet just fall slightly apart
  • Your hands should be about shoulder - width apart
  • Raise your left foot off the floor and start to separate your hands to the side . 7 . open your arms to the side at shoulder level , elbows slightly bent and palms turning out
  • Bring your hands up until they cross in front of your chest , with your left hand over your right hand , palms in . 5 . open your arms to the side at shoulder height , with your elbows bent and your palms turning out
  • Bring your left next to it and rest its toes , and circle your hands downward and to the sides . 5 . continue circling in and forward , until your hands cross in front of your chest , with your right hand over your left hand , both palms facing in . look ahead
  • Turn your body to the right . thrust your right fist up and forward in front of your chest , knuckles turned down , lower your left hand to the side of your left hip , with the palm turned downward and the fingers pointing forward . at the same time , draw back your right foot and , without stopping or allowing it touch floor , take a step to 10 oclock with the toes turned out
与肩同宽的英文翻译,与肩同宽英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译与肩同宽,与肩同宽的英文意思,與肩同寬的英文与肩同宽 meaning in English與肩同寬的英文与肩同宽怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。