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  • illiquid


  • When hope turns into foam , i have to go
  • Some 4 % of the payment will be not in cash but in junior notes , which will end up worthless if the assets don ' t perform
    大约4 %的款项并非以现金,而是次级票据的形式支付,而如果资产不能变现的话,这些票据最后将会成为废纸。
  • But adopt differentiate by outpatient service and be in hospital as a whole of fund and individual account pay limits , should notice at 2 o ' clock : it is individual account must execute socialization management , use at defray of individual medical treatment truly and cannot change to show or be used at defray of other blame medical treatment ; 2 it is to plan as a whole the disbursement of fund limits cannot absolute limit is in charge of medical treatment of be in hospital , overweight to cost of medical treatment of responsibility of individual of patient of frequently - occurring disease of a few outpatient service , chronic , also should give appropriately take care of ; otherwise the burden that account of individual of this part worker pays medical treatment fee will be very heavy , can bring about worker ailment to be raised greatly , outpatient service squeezes be in hospital
  • Article 21 a long - term investment is an investment other than a short - term investment , including equity interests of different classes that are purposely held for more than one year ( exclusive ) , bonds that are not realizable or not readily realizable , long - term debt investments and other long - term investments
不能变现的英文翻译,不能变现英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译不能变现,不能变现的英文意思,不能變現的英文不能变现 meaning in English不能變現的英文不能变现怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。