Japanese managers are very skillful in easing out undesirable employees . 日本的经理们在辞退不合需要的雇员方面是非常精明的。
Japanese managers are very skillful in easing out undesirable employees . 日本的经理们在辞退不合需要的职员方面是非常精明的。
You can use this feature to prevent a user from sizing a window to an undesirable size 可以使用此功能防止用户将窗口调整为不合需要的大小。
Safety assertions state that certain undesirable states of the system will never be reached under any circumstances 安全断言声明某些不合需要的系统状态将决不在任何环境下起作用。
In practice , this step has too many undesirable consequences and the risk that much of the testing is of insufficient quality and coverage 实际上,这个步骤有太多不合需要的结果和风险,许多测试的质量和覆盖度都不足。
An unintended slight . side effect a peripheral or secondary effect , especially an undesirable secondary effect of a drug or therapy 副作用,一种次要的或起第二作用的效应,尤指一种药物或治疗方法产生的不合需要的副作用。
A key mode which allows use of a wipe pattern generator to prevent some undesirable portions of the key cut signal from cutting holes in the background video 一种键模式,它允许使用划像图案产生器来避免背景图像的切割空洞中某些键切割信号不合需要的部分。
The jmm has some serious flaws that allow some unintuitive and undesirable things to happen to reasonable - looking programs 正如java language specification第17章中所指定的, jmm有一些严重的缺点,即允许一些看起来合理的程序发生一些非直观的或不合需要的事情。
This is limiting as it requires the alteration of a document about which the claim is being made - often undesirable , and if the document format isn t rdf , impossible 这是有限制的,因为它需要对文档的有关声明是怎么产生的进行改动,这常常是不合需要的,而且如果文档格式不是rdf ,则不可能发生改动。
2 if doses sufficient to cause paralysis are administered to animals , then anaesthesia and artificial entilation will also be required , which may exert their own effects and so risk obscuring any toxic action 强效神经肌肉阻断剂的毒性试验代表了一种平衡,即在物质药理作用增强的实验性局限性和毒理学家想要用尽可能大的剂量以发现该物质任何潜在的能引起不合需要的反应之间的平衡。