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  • base
  • lower cover


  • Under the computer . .
    计算机塑料下盖模. .
  • Ch meter front cover
  • Reverse the card reader and loose the two screws down on the back cover
  • 2 . reverse the card reader and loose the two screws down on the back cover . 3
    2 .将读卡机翻到反面,拿螺丝起子将读卡机背面下盖的2颗螺丝松开。
  • 5 . follow the above instructions to move the lower cover back , and tighten up the two screws . be sure to tighten the screws firmly
    5 .依照前面的方法将下盖盖回, 2颗螺丝锁紧一定要记得将螺丝锁紧。
  • Follow the above instructions to move the lower cover back , and tighten up the two screws . ( be sure to tighten the screws firmly )
    依照前面的方法将下盖盖回, 2颗螺丝锁紧(一定要记得将螺丝锁紧) 。
  • In the same say , loose the two screws down on the back cover of the new card reader , and set the chip back to the original place
    4 .同样将新的读卡机背面下盖的2颗螺丝松开,将拔起的晶片装回原来的位置。
  • In the same say , loose the two screws down on the back cover of the new card reader , and set the chip back to the original place
  • Besides its overall quality and heft , one of the things that makes this keyboard particularly good for such a mod is the fact that it has removable key caps and the under - cap has a flat surface ideal for affixing a new key top
  • Considering the influence of material original flaw , the thesis gave the 4 # 125t crane of no . 3 steel - making plant of maansan steel co . for example to analyze the designing and remaining life of the crane ' s girder by using damnification limits design method . the method was based on the theory of rupture dynamics and the principle of disrepair - security
    本文以马钢第三炼钢厂4 # 125t铸造起重机主梁下盖板大面积可见裂纹情况为例,考虑材料初始裂纹的影响,在断裂力学理论和破损?安全设计原则的基础上,采用损伤容限设计法来重新计算铸造起重机的设计寿命;并对正在服役的铸造起重机计算其剩余寿命,为铸造起重机的安全运行提供了较可靠的理论依据。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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