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音标:[ shàngjiān ]  发音:  


  • upper-shoulder


  • I put my fingers through the sand and i found the chain
  • Princess marya flung on a shawl and ran to meet the stranger
  • Say , do you mind giving me a little scratch between the shoulder blades
  • < i > soldier : shoulder arms ! < / i >
  • The anchor s weighed . off he sails with a scapular or a medal on him for luck
    157为了图个吉利,他披上肩衣或佩带徽章158 ,乘船而去。
  • Her head and neck , shoulders , ears , arms , hands and toes , were loaded down with jewels and gems , - with bracelets , earrings , and rings ; while a tunic bordered with gold , and covered with a light muslin robe , betrayed the outline of her form
  • Gerty stifled a smothered exclamation and gave a nervous cough and edy asked what and she was just going to tell her to catch it while it was flying but she was ever ladylike in her deportment so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying that that was the benediction because just then the bell rang out from the steeple over the quiet seashore because canon o hanlon was up on the altar with the veil that father conroy put round him round his shoulders giving the benediction with the blessed sacrament in his hands
    她差点儿对伊迪说,谁有工夫回答你这种过了时的问题!然而她是向来不忘记上流妇女的举止的,所以就十分机敏地说了句"正在举行降福仪式呢" ,就给敷衍过去了。刚好这当儿,宁静的海滨传来教堂的钟声,教堂蒙席正站在祭坛上肩上的纱中是康罗伊神父替他披上去的,手捧圣心,举行降福仪式。


  • 上肩的日语:肩に乗せる.担ぐ. 这东西太沉 chén ,得 děi 上肩/この荷物はたいへん重いから,担いだほうがいい.
  • 上肩的俄语:pinyin:shàngjiān на плечо! (команда)
  • 上肩什么意思:上位。 指位置较尊的一侧。    ▶ 《古今小说‧羊角哀舍命全交》: “汝是冻死饿杀之人, 安敢建坟居吾上肩, 夺吾风水?”
上肩的英文翻译,上肩英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译上肩,上肩的英文意思,上肩的英文上肩 meaning in English上肩的英文上肩怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。