Stochastic modeling of sand - body of deltaic front in huachi oilfield 华池油田三角洲前缘砂体展布的三维建模
Analysis of sandbodies in the braided delta front , wm oi lfield , turpan - hami basin 油田辫状河三角洲前缘砂体分析
Among them , underwater distributary channel in delta front was the main facies 其中三角洲前缘水下分流河道为骨架相。
In yanchang formation period , the environment is favorable to the development of the lake delta 摘要靖安油田延长组长6段储层为湖相三角洲前缘砂体。
The microfacies architecture of delta front along gentle slope zone of yanchang formation in huachi area , shaanxi - gansu - ningxia basin 陕甘宁盆地华池地区延长组缓坡带三角洲前缘的微相构成
Origin and association types of lake delta front sandstones and their distribution patterns of triassic yanchang formation in ordos basin , china 陕甘宁盆地姬塬地区三叠系延长组三角洲前缘的微相组合及特征
The deposital system was composed of three whole deposital association including delta plain , the front of delta and frontal delta 其中该三角洲体系由三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲三个完整的沉积组合构成。
And the most deposital velocity was 220 . 2mm / ka during c17 . 3n sub - period , which mainly occurred at the unloaded area in the front of the delta 其中在c17n ? 3n极性亚期内,最大沉积速率可达220 . 2mm / ka 。这主要发生在三角洲前缘的沉积物卸载区。
The deposits in shanxi stage are , from north to south , alluvial fans , braided stream , meandering stream , delta plain , delta front and littoral sediments 山西期由北向南依次发育冲积扇、辫状河、曲流河、三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和滨浅湖沉积。
Major reservoir included sand bodies of subaquatic distributary channels in deltas , braided deltas , fan deltas , and sand bodies of turbidtte in deep lake 主要的储集层有:三角洲、辫状河三角洲、扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体和深湖浊积岩砂体。