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  • midaku


  • Customers from huizhou , shenzhen and dongguan should pass humen bridge and the nansha dadao of panyu district to shiqiao , then drive on the guangzhou ? zhuhai line of 105 national road until you reach the traffic post of midea group in beijiao ( the crossing of sanhong bridge ) , then turn right to sanle lu and drive along to lecong crossroads , turn left and drive along for 200m and you will reach sunlink north section furniture city of lecong ; or you can drive in the direction to foshan through guangzhou - shenzhen highway until you reach shunde lunjiao crossroads ( longzhou lu ) where you can drive to foshan and longjiang
    惠州、深圳、东莞方向客人,经虎门大桥番禺南沙大道到市桥走105国道广珠线到北?美的集团交通岗(即三洪桥大桥路口)右转?三乐路直行到乐从立交桥左转200米即到乐从顺联北区家私城,或走广深高速往佛山方向,在顺德伦教立交桥(龙洲路) ,可往佛山、龙江方向。


  • 三洪什么意思:宋 洪适 、 洪遵 、 洪迈 三兄弟的合称。    ▶ 《宋史‧洪适传》: “ 皓 使朔方, 适 年甫十三, 能任家事。 以 皓 出使, 恩补修职郎。    ▶ 绍兴 十二年, 与弟 遵 同中博学宏词科。    ▶ 高宗 曰: ‘父在远方, 子能自立, 此忠义报也, 宜升擢。 ’遂除敕令所删定官。 后三年, 弟 迈 亦中...
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