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  • cigu township


  • 42 - 1 , hsi - nan village , chiku rural town ship , tainan county
    台南县七股乡溪南村42 - 1号
  • Chiku salt pans 66 , yancheng village , chiku rural township , tainan county
  • Another feature of chiku s rich natural environment not to be missed is the rare single - species forest of grey mangrove avicennia marina in the mangrove conservation area at the mouth of the chiku creek . the forest is home to thousands of egrets and black - crowned night herons , which live here throughout the year
  • In the part of chiku to the west of provincial highway 17 there are salt pans and several thousand hectares of salt - water fish rearing ponds , while to the east there are mainly fields . but most crops do not thrive in chiku s saline soil . a rare exception , and the star crop here , is the muskmelon
  • Many varieties are grown , most of them very sweet . every december to january , when the melons are in season and black - faced spoonbills are circling in the sky , chiku farmers association puts on a " muskmelon festival , " so that as well as enjoying the sight of the spoonbills , visitors can also take part in activities such as pickling baby melons , painting melons and making oyster - shell art
  • During the festival , " spoonbill buses " take visitors on guided tours around chiku s salt mounds , its internationally known black - faced spoonbill refuge , and its 1500 - hectare lagoon with its oyster frames and sandbars , and a market sells local produce such as muskmelons , cherry tomatoes , spring onions , garlic , sesame oil and canned milkfish


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