笑脸相迎 smile one's welcome; give sb. a welcoming look; give (sb.) the glad eye; greet sb. with a broad smile; meet sb. with a smiling face; receive sb. with a smiling countenance; salute sb. with a smile; welcome a person with smiles; welcome sb. with a beaming face
嬉皮笑脸 behave in a noisy, gay and boisterous manner; disgusting [slobbering; sloppy] appearance; grinning cheekily; smiling and grimacing; with a jerky [an oily] smile
第一副部长 first vice minister; the 1st deputy secretary
I tried to put a smile on my face , and i went to call on prudence 我试着装出一副笑脸,跑到了普律当丝家里。
Putting away the letter immediately and forcing a smile , she said , 她立刻收起了那封信,勉强做出一副笑脸,说道:
I have no doubt she has connived at your desertion of your duties and responsibilities , so do not expect me to show pleasure in seeing her 毫无疑义,你的背弃义务与责任是她怂恿的,那么请你不要以为我将有一副笑脸去见她。
They were two alien dogs which would have liked to snarl at one another , but which smiled instead , perforce . but with the woman he was not quite so sure 他们俩象是一对异种的狗,原应互相张牙舞爪的,而因情境所迫,便不得不挂着一副笑脸。