Programme information provided by : zuni icosahedron 节目资料提供:进念二十面体
Do you still go up north and fool around with that fat zuni girl 你还要往北去追那个胖胖的祖尼小妞吗?
Prayer sticks zuni ; n . america 祈祷仗美国尊尼族
What zuni s mathias woo and edward lam attempt to do here is to invent a brand new montage on stage , interpreting the ups and downs of a romance , bringing it to an emotional finale 而胡恩威与林奕华,却想尝试在舞台上创作一种蒙太奇,比电影更细腻地呈现小说中各种迂回曲折的感情,和荡气回肠的结局。
What zuni s mathias woo and edward lam attempt to do here is to invent a brand new montage on stage , interpreting the ups and downs of a romance , bringing it to an emotional finale 而胡恩威与林奕华,却想尝试在舞台上创作一种蒙太奇,比电影更细腻地呈现小说中各种迂回曲折的感情,和荡气回肠的结局。
Through the analysis for existed data of australia , zuni and su , and chinese , they hold that primitive classification is derived from society itself and its dynamic is collective conscience 两位作者通过对澳洲、祖尼人和苏人以及中国的分类体系的既有资料分析,认为,原始分类源于社会本身,其动力是集体情感。
In 1999 - 2000 , organisations that received three - year grants are chung ying theatre company , city contemporary dance company , hong kong ballet , hong kong sinfonietta , ming ri theatre and zuni icosahedron . one - year grants went to semi - professional arts organisations to assist them become professional with full - time artists andor management staff 一年计划专为规模较小、半专业的艺团而设,目的是协助他们发展成为专业艺团,拥有全职的艺术工作者及管理人员。
The Zuni people are a tribe of Pueblo Native Americans in the United States.