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norrington table造句

  • In 2015 it ranked 28th in Oxford's Norrington Table.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the Norrington Table was not created in 1962 by Oxford Colleges.
  • Merton has a strong reputation for academic success, having regularly ranked first in the Norrington Table in recent years.
  • St . Hilda's is regularly near the bottom of the Norrington Table, the university's informal academic rankings.
  • By 2001, Brasenose had climbed the tables once again, coming in third place in the Norrington Table with 30 firsts.
  • St . Hilda's is regularly found near the bottom of the Norrington Table, the university's informal academic rankings.
  • Academically, Lincoln has been one of the top ten in the Norrington Table each year since 2006 ( excluding 2010 and 2011 ).
  • Brasenose sat twenty-first in the Norrington Table in 1968, twenty-sixth in 1975, and twenty-seventh in 1980.
  • Women were first admitted to the college in 1979 . In 2015, Magdalen topped Oxford's Norrington Table of college undergraduate examination results.
  • In 2013, the college ranked second in the Norrington Table, a table assessing the relative performance of Oxford's undergraduates in final examinations.
  • It's difficult to see norrington table in a sentence. 用norrington table造句挺难的
  • John Lucas, Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, presented a critique of the Norrington Table in a 1980 article titled " Norrington Blues ".
  • OBE is the second son of Sir Arthur Norrington, who was known to his friends as " Thomas ", and devised the Norrington Table.
  • Beginning in 2005, the University of Oxford started publishing a list of colleges classified by a " Norrington Score ", effectively replicating the Norrington Table.
  • Under her leadership, the college doubled in size and rose to the top of the Norrington Table, the annual ranking of colleges by degree classification.
  • In August 2015, the interim Norrington Table showed that 98.2 per cent of St Hilda's finalist undergraduates obtained at least a 2 . i in their degree.
  • It is academic by Oxford standards, averaging in the top half of the university's informal ranking system, the Norrington Table, in recent years, and coming second in 2009 10.
  • Although the university says that the college listings are " not very significant ", the 2005 table is the first Norrington Table with official data and also likely the first to be truly correct.
  • As of 2014, it had an estimated financial endowment of ?0.8 million, and in 2014 / 2015 ranked 3rd in the Norrington Table, a measure which ranks Oxford colleges by academic performance.
  • His name in Oxford is remembered for having devised the Norrington Table, a system of assessing the results of the Oxford colleges in final examinations, the table continues to be compiled and the results published in the national press.
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