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用"yeshu"造句"yeshu"怎么读"yeshu" in a sentence


  • [网络] 物料积分;文本


  • The references to yeshu are extremely negative and contradict the gospels in quite a few places
  • There is some limited reference to " yeshu " in the talmud, a book of jewish law, and these references are considered to be in reference to jesus
  • The parts of the talmud that make reference to yeshu, however, were largely removed from the published talmud, and today are available in a small addendum to the talmud
  • The types can break into sub-types considering the reality of the cape group as follows : full ( sole ) investment company, holding company and share company . based on the above facts and through an anatomy of managing issues of interest investment in the state enterprise group and the experience in succeeding in corporate governance in the yeshu group, we have analyzed the managing problem in the cape group, there exist some key problems in enterprise : nominal investor, control by internal staff and simplification of stock ownership . owing to the existing of these problems, management of enterprise group has been uncontrollable, and especially in the financial respect, therefore design of financial supervision becomes an urgent affairs
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