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用"xmm-newton"造句"xmm-newton"怎么读"xmm-newton" in a sentence


  • xmm-牛顿卫星


  • By analyzing data from xmm - newton , spitzer , and chandra , scientists have confirmed earlier suspicions that the ghostly arms represent regions of gas that are being violently heated by shock waves
  • With the advent of the nasa s chandra x - ray observatory and the european space agency s xmm - newton satellite , the search of intermediate - mass black holes in nearby galaxies becomes possible and promising
    美国太空总署的钱德拉射线天文台和欧洲航天局的xmm -牛顿卫星,使在邻近星系寻获中型黑洞的机会再非遥不可及。
  • By analyzing data from xmm - newton , spitzer , and chandra , scientists have confirmed earlier suspicions that the ghostly arms represent regions of gas that are being violently heated by shock waves
    通过分析来自xmm -牛顿、斯必泽与钱德拉的数据,科学家证实了早期的猜想,即在朦胧的旋臂区域中,气体正被激波剧烈加热。
  • " this unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood , " said stefanie komossa , also of the max planck institute . astronomers used nasa ' s chandra and the european space agency ' s xmm - newton x - ray observatories to capture the event
  • The sub - arcsecond spatial resolution of chandra , and xmm - newton s unrivaled sensitivity open a new area for the study of nearby galaxies ; many x - ray point sources are resolved without confusion and astronomers can study their x - ray properties such as timing behaviors and spectra in details
    钱德拉射线天文台具备低于一角秒的分辨率,而xmm -牛顿卫星的灵敏度更是无出其右,二者天衣无缝的配合,为研究这些天体的射线特性,例如光度变化和光谱等,开创一个全新的领域。
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