By and by he come out, and we went and set down on the woodpile to talk 随后他出来了,我们便跑到木材垛上,坐下来说起话来。
Down by the woodpile i comes across my jack, and says : " what s it all about ? 到了堆木场那儿,我遇到了杰克,我说:“怎么一回事啊?”
Every time one of them showed himself on the river side of the woodpile he got shot at 他们这伙人中,每次有人在河边木垛那儿一露面,就会遭到枪击。
He did not accept the ostensible explanation, but suspected that there was a nigger in the woodpile 他不同意那种表面解释,怀疑其中有不可告人之处。
He said he wanted to study art in paris, but i guessed that mary was the nigger in the woodpile 他说他想去巴黎学艺术,但我猜他的真正动机是为了玛丽。
'on that day i will make the leaders of judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves 那日,我必使犹大的族长,如火盆在木柴中,又如火把在禾捆里;他们必左右烧灭四围列国的民。
I wanted an axe, but there wasn t any, only the one out at the woodpile, and i knowed why i was going to leave that 我需要一把斧子,不过没有多的了,只有柴堆那边唯一的一把了。我懂得为什么要把这个留下来。
One day some friends and i buried our high school's parking-lot barriers under the woodpile for the annual home-coming bonfire 有一次,我和几个朋友把学校停车场的栅栏埋在柴堆里,准备用来烧一年一度的篝火,庆祝放假。
He was a very good pilot at one time, but the nigger in the woodpile was that he drank too much when he was not on duty; he finally lost his job because of that 他曾是一个优秀的飞行员,但是他有不值勤时饮酒过度的隐情,后来终因这个毛病砸了饭碗。
In the morning we went out to the woodpile and chopped up the brass candlestick into handy sizes, and tom put them and the pewter spoon in his pocket 到早上,我们走出去,到了木材垛那边,把那座黄铜烛台砍成几小截,汤姆把这一些和一把锡?调羹放进了自己的口袋。