The poor creature looked wonderingly round at the night, at the lantern, at their two figures . 那个可怜的畜生,莫名其妙地看看夜色,看看灯笼,再看看他们俩的形影。
Drouet looked at her wonderingly 杜洛埃惊讶地看着她。
" have you never caught a cold " questioned the girl , gazing at him wonderingly "你从没感冒着凉吗"女孩质问,充满好奇地盯着他
He watched her narrowly , but plainly she was at a loss . she shook her head wonderingly 波罗近距离自己观察玛丽的表情,但是,她如堕五里雾中,很茫然地摇了摇头。
Pierre took off his spectacles , which transformed his face , making it look even more good - natured , and looked wonderingly at his friend 皮埃尔把眼镜摘下来,他的面部变了样子,显得愈加和善了,他很惊讶地望着自己的朋友。
I meditated wonderingly on this incident ; but gradually quitting it , as i found it for the present inexplicable , i turned to the consideration of my master s manner to myself 我转而考虑起我主人对我的态度来,他认为可以同我无话不谈,这似乎是对我处事审慎的赞美。
The boy held on to the hussar with hands red with cold , and kept moving his bare feet , trying to warm them , and lifting his eyebrows , gazed about him wonderingly 这个少年用冻得通红的双手抓住骠骑兵,不停地搓动手脚取暖,他惊恐地四下张望,这就是早晨俘虏的法国小鼓手。
The poor creature looked wonderingly round at the night , at the lantern , at their two figures , as if he could not believe that at that hour , when every living thing was intended to be in shelter and at rest , he was called upon to go out and labour 那头可怜的牲畜茫然四顾,望望夜空,望望提灯,望望姐弟俩的身影,仿佛它难以相信在那个时刻,当一切生物还在它们的栖身之处歇息的时候,会把它叫出来干活。
in a curious and questioning manner; "they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions" 同义词:questioningly, questioningly,
in a curious and questioning manner; "they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions" 同义词:questioningly, questioningly,