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  • 例句与用法
  • Witten ' s star is noncommutative and associative
  • This motivated us to study the explicit relations between witten ' s star and moyal product
  • Recently , in his stimulating paper bars found a map of witten ' s star to mayol ' s star
  • In 1986 , witten had set up an elegant string field theory by introduce a new , beautiful approch to interactions
  • It is shown that vector boson have a mass generation and the effective lagrangian contains a term corresponding to the a wess - zumino - witten like term , which was consistant with noncommutative chiral schwinger model
    在非阿贝尔情形,我们发现在它的有效拉氏量中矢量玻色子有质量生成,有效作用量里包含wess - zumino - witten项。
  • In this paper , we recast the matter part of the open superstring star in the present of a constant b field . by using a different coordinate representation the matter part of the open superstring star is identified with the continuous mayal product of functions of anti - commuting variables
  • Then we in - vest gate seiberg - witten map , which defines the equivalence relation of the gauge symmetries in different spaces . we also analyse the u ( l ) gauge electromagnetic field in noncommutative space . finally we discuss the ambiguities of seiberg - witten map , and find although that some part of the ambiguities can be absorbed by gauge transformation and hence negligible , the existence of the matter field makes some other parts difficult to be absorbed by gauge transformation or field redefinition
    然后利用seiberg - witten映射,我们研究了不同空间的规范对称性的等价问题,并对非对易空间的电磁场进行了微扰分析,最后我们对seiberg - witten映射的松动进行了讨论,研究发现这些松动中的一部分可以由规范变换吸收因而是可以忽略的,由于物质场的存在,另外一部分很难用规范变换和场的重定义吸收。
  • Witten ' s open string field theory formulate the interaction of bosonic open strings in the language of noncommutative geometry . compactification of matrix theory on the noncommutative torus was argued to correspond to supergravity with constant background three form tensor field . more generally , it has been realised that noncommutative gauge theory arises in the worldvolume theory on d - brane in the presence of a constant background b field in string theory
    Witten的开弦场论用非对易几何描述了玻色开弦的相互作用;在非对易torus上的矩阵理论的紧化对应于带有常数三形式张量场的超引力;更为普遍的,非对易规范理论可以自然地产生在带有常数b背景场的三维d - brane上。
  • 百科解释
Witten is a university city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the home of the Witten/Herdecke University, the first private university in Germany.
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