wish vt. 1.希望,但愿〔以略去 that 的从句作宾语〕。 I wish (that) it would rain. 我希望会下雨(就好了)。 I wish I were a bird! 我要是一只鸟那多好。 I wish you would come and help us. 你能来帮助我们就好了。 I wish it may not prove a failure. 这事不要失败才好〔反面有 I am afraid it will 的意思〕。 I wish I may live to see it. 但愿我能活着看到它(就好了)。 It is to be wished that ...希望…。 2.切望,盼望〔下接宾语和表语〕。 wish sb. away 盼望某人走掉。 wish sb. happy 盼望某人幸福。 wish sb. further [at the devil] 〔俚语〕希望某人快快滚蛋。 wish oneself at home 心想还是呆在家里的好〔出来后后悔〕。 3.想,要〔后接不定式 to do〕。 I wish to go. 我想去。 I wish to see you. 我想见到你。 4.希望看到…;希望别人做到…。 I wish you to do it. 希望你做这件事。 What do you wish me to do 你要我怎么做呢? I wish it (to be) finished. 希望把它做完。 Don't tell her anything you wish (to be) forgotten. 你希望忘掉的事情不可以告诉她。 5.〔罕用语〕需要〔下接单一宾语(尤其是代词)〕。 Which do you wish 你要哪一个? 6. 祝,祝愿〔下接两个宾语〕。 I heartily wish you success. 我衷心祝您成功。 I wish you a happy New Year. 恭贺新禧。 I wish you joy. 愿你快乐。 I wish him joy of it. 〔反话〕我祝那家伙走运〔那家伙是不会有好下场的〕。 He wishes me well. 他希望我好。 He wishes nobody ill. 他不希望任何人有什么不好。 7.向…致(问候等)〔下接两个宾语〕。 He wished me goodbye [farewell]. 他向我告别了。 I'll wish you good morning. 再会,明儿见。 8.把(负担、不愉快的事情等)强加给 (on)。 wish a hard job on sb. 把一项吃力的工作强加给某人。 vi. 希望,想要 (for after)。 How I wish for a pair of wings! 我要是有一对翅膀多好。 The weather is all one could wish for. 天气再好没有了。 He wishes well to all men. 他希望一切人都好。 n. 1.愿望;祝愿;请求。 2.希求的事情。 The wish is father to the thought. 有志者事竟成。 I have got my wish. 我达到愿望了。 Please accept my best wishes for your happiness. 请接受我最诚恳的良好祝愿;祝您幸福。 attend to [carry out] sb.'s wishes 实现某人愿望。 to one's wish 照自己的愿望。 with best wishes, with every good wish 抱着由衷的祝愿。
wish for 渴望某物; 盼望, 企求; 盼望,希望,想要; 希望得到; 想得到,渴望; 欲望,愿望
tree n. 特里〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.树〔主要指乔木,也可指较大的灌木〕。 ★玫瑰可以称为 bush, 也可以称为 tree. 2.木料,木材;木构件;〔古语〕绞首台;〔the tree〕(钉死耶稣的)十字架;鞋楦。 3.树形(物),世系图,家系 (=family tree);【数学】树(形);【化学】树状晶体。 a banana tree 香蕉树。 an axle-tree 心棒,轴料。 a boot-tree 靴楦[型]。 a saddle-tree 鞍架。 at the top of the tree 在最高地位。 tree of Buddha 菩提树。 tree of heaven 臭椿。 tree of knowledge (of good and evil) 【圣经】知道善恶的树,智慧之树。 tree of life 生命之树,生命力的源泉【植物;植物学】金钟柏。 up a tree 〔口语〕进退两难,不知所措。 vt. 赶(猎兽等)上树躲避;〔口语〕使处于困境;穷追;把鞋型插入(鞋内)。
Simply write your wish on a piece of red paper and place it near the wishing trees and your wish might come true 向林村许愿树诚心许愿祈福,您可能就会梦想成真!
Aftre serveral inspections and addition of baits , we still found bait boxes emptied ; which means the number of termites at wishing tree is huge 几次覆查后,发现多个药站的requiem药饵被吃光,表示这巢白蚁数量惊人。
You didn ' t know that the last wish he made to the wish tree was giving all the wishes to you since that he would leave the world soon ?不知道的是他在许愿树许的最后一个愿望是,既然他将不久于人世,那麽请将所有的祝福留给?吧。
Via tolo highway towards fan ling , turn left before hong lok yuen ; turn to lam kam road on roundabout . wishing tree is on your right 大埔吐露港公路直入,往粉岭方向见康乐园路牌左转,到达?旋处,转入林锦公路,许愿树就位于右边路旁。
Students thought that the facilities around lam tsuen wishing tree were inadequate , so they proposed adding food stores in the area 学校位于大埔区,同学认为区内景点?林村许愿树一带的配套设施不足,建议可增设售卖特色小食的店铺。
Except residents vehicles and coaches , all vehicles will not be permitted into the car park or any of the access roads around the " wishing tree " 往许愿树旅游点及其附近停车场的村内通道将会临时封闭,禁止所有车辆进入,住客车辆及旅游车除外。
Police will implement crowd management and special traffic arrangements to facilitate members of the public to visit the " wishing tree " in lam tsuen , tai po during the lunar new year 警方将于农历新年期间在大埔林村许愿树附近实施人群管理及特别交通措施,以方便市民前往参拜。
Police will implement crowd management and special traffic arrangements to facilitate members of the public to visit the " wishing tree " in lam tsuen , tai po , during the lunar new year from february 9 to 23 警方将于农历新年期间,由二月九日至二十三日在大埔林村许愿树附近实施人群管理及特别交通措施,以方便市民前往参拜。
A wish tree is an individual tree, usually distinguished by species, position or appearance, which is used as an object of wishes and offerings. Such trees are identified as possessing a special religious or spiritual value.