Even beating wiley post ' s mark by over three days 甚至比威利波斯特的记录还快了三天
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Wiley said . " fundamentally , his jump shot is perfect for a big guy 威利这样说道, "对于一个大个子队员来讲,他的跳投基本上是完美无缺的。
He killed mart wiley , a deputy sheriff , at a lost nation kitchen - dance two years ago 两年前他在边陲地区的一次厨房舞会上杀死了副长官马丁?威利。
I ' m sorry . he ' s unavailable . dr . wiley is on call if you ' d like me to page him for you 很抱歉,他不在,当班的是威利医生如果你需要我可以帮您呼他
Richard is a requested technical speaker and is a coauthor of wiley technology publishing s Richard还是一名技术演说者,同时也是wiley technology publishing出版的
Elliot , s . ( 2002 ) , electronic commerce : b2c strategies and models , chichester , u . k : john wiley 断定经营模式明确?明?同?与者在商业活动中的关系,包含每一方的?润与成本。
He has just finished writing his most recent book , unix and windows 2000 integration toolkit john - wiley sons , 1999 最近刚写完名为《 unix和windows 2000集成的套装工具包》 (
Wiley interscience . the leading resource for quality research across science , technology , medicine and business 跨学科的韦利。领先的在整个科学、技术、药和商务质量研究的资源。
John wiley sons , 1997 is a comprehensive survey of garbage collection algorithms , with an extensive bibliography John wiley sons , 1997年是对垃圾收集算法的全面评述,包括大量参考书目。