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用"wiesner"造句"wiesner"怎么读"wiesner" in a sentence


  • 威斯纳
  • 维斯纳


  • Wiesner said it was too early to say exactly how much of the zoo ' s heating needs would be met by the plant but it should be a significant proportion
  • The plant , launched in co - operation with munich city council , operates by fermenting the manure . this produces methane which is burnt to provide energy . wiesner said it was too early to say exactly how much of the zoo s heating needs would be met by the plant but it should be a significant proportion
  • The plant , launched in co - operation with munich city council , operates by fermenting the manure . this produces methane which is burnt to provide energy . wiesner said it was too early to say exactly how much of the zoo ' s heating needs would be met by the plant but it should be a significant proportion
  • " everything that animals with solid and cloven hooves eat which turns into manure goes into the plant , " zoo director henning wiesner said on wednesday . " we ll also save ourselves a lot of lorry journeys we d otherwise have had to make to get rid of the manure , so it s doubly environmentally friendly .
    其实这样做也使我们自己省了不少事儿,要不然的话,我们还得动用数辆卡车运输多次才能够将这些粪便清理出动物园,所以说这一举措实际上具备了双重环保意义。 ”
  • " everything that animals with solid and cloven hooves eat which turns into manure goes into the plant , " zoo director henning wiesner said on wednesday . " we ' ll also save ourselves a lot of lorry journeys we ' d otherwise have had to make to get rid of the manure , so it ' s doubly environmentally friendly .
    据路透社12月13日报道,德国慕尼黑市一家动物园里的动物们将会从12月15日起在能源使用方面做到真正意义上的“自力更生” ,因为该动物园的管理者已经决定将动物粪便加以循环利用来产生热能和电力。


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